Begin by making an appointment by dialling They will tell you which documents you have to bring to the appointment. If you need an interpreter, tell them straight away on the telephone. It will not cost you anything. The appointment will begin with some health advice. But you will not be examined. After that, you will be registered. You will be given information and advice at the same time. You will receive certificates showing that you have undergone registration and health consultation. You can ask the authorities to issue additional certificates bearing an invented alias name. Ask about it. If you come from a country which is not a member of the EU, then you will have to show some kind of work permit. Whatever the case, take your residence permit plastic card with you. The authorities will also need a registered address for you, or an address where they can reach you. This is called your delivery address. It may be an address belonging to someone you trust or an aid organisation. Whatever the case, post sent there has to be able to reach you. Tell them straight away on the telephone if you need an interpreter. You will then be given an appointment at which an interpreter will Sex Treffen Bergstraße 17a Kiel present. It is important for you to understand everything. Before registering, have a think about whether you want to work only in Schleswig-Holstein or in other Federal states as well. You can have any Federal states entered in your registration certificate. During registration and health consultation, you will be given a lot of information in your own language or in a language which you understand. During the health consultation, you will be told about various health issues. There will not be an examination. During registration, there will be an information and advisory talk. You will be told about laws on prostitution, your duty to have health insurance, your duty to pay tax, about advice centres and emergency phone numbers that you can use. You can also ask questions and bring up subjects that are important to you. At the end you will be given Sex Treffen Bergstraße 17a Kiel registration certificate and a certificate about your health consultation. Registration and a health consultation are free in Schleswig-Holstein. This may not be the case in other Federal states. You have to give the authorities your correct name. That name will also be stored. You will in every event be given a registration certificate and a health certificate containing your correct name. BUT : you can also ask for additional alias-certificates. If you do, you will get extra certificates showing not your real name but an invented one alias-name. When you go to work, it is sufficient for you to have your alias-certificates with you. They are as valid as certificates carrying your true name, should you be checked. Your registration applies throughout Germany, provided the various Federal states do not have other rules that apply. Here is some information about how the new law is being applied in the different Federal states: www. You will receive a registration certificate and a health consultation certificate after your appointment.
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